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A Revolutionary Statistics Book!

Finally! An engaging and self-contained mathematical statistics book for scientifically curious students who are not necessarily comfortable with mathematics. This book is for students in all fields, including social and economic sciences, biological and medical sciences, and physical and engineering sciences.

This book will revolutionize statistics education for students at upper division or early graduate levels. There is no advanced mathematics prerequisite; all required math, including calculus, is taught in a self-contained way with a laser-beam focus on statistics applications. Explanations are intuitive and real data analysis is emphasized.

Understanding Advanced Statistical Methods has a sense of humor. There are mantras to recite, there are oddball recurring characters, and sacred statistical oxen are gored throughout. Still, mathematical integrity is retained. The book smashes the standard statistics textbook mold in several ways, then puts the pieces back together in a more sensible way: (i) the statistical model is presented throughout as a producer of data, (ii) Bayesian methods are presented before frequentist methods, and (iii) the population terminology is jettisoned in favor of the more scientifically useful and relevant process terminology.

Request an evaluation copy here.

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